Japan Batik

Oct. 28/2006
I had been planning batik to the work of wood turning for about one year. And, it was achieved. I investigated the feature or store purchased about the tool or dyestuff and the mordant, etc. in my own way.I am glad if being become references of the people who start batik to tree works in the future. The works for the first time
I am using it mixing white wax and the sumac wax in halves. I bought inLeather craft.jp
·Melting pot Please on mouseover
I am substituting it by glue pot. The price is 750 yen.I used transformer to temperature adjustment. It switches 100v to 48v.
·Pen for wax
When a usual pen is used, it is burnt because the temperature of wax is high. Let's use the special brush made of wool or deer hair.I bought inLeather craft.jp
I am using the alum, the acetic acid chrome,the ferrous sulfate.I bought inAikuma.CO.LTD
·Wax washing
I am using a benzine.
Plate, Syringe,Absorbent cotton,Gloves and Bottle.I bought those for the 1$ shop.
·Transcript tools
I use a pencil(5B),a tracing paper, a red pencil when copying printed design into the works.
·Design sheet
I using the copy design of the initiation book.
·Dyestuff(Geranium thunbergii)
I bought dry one.The alum--yellow, The ferrous sulfatethe--gray, The acetic acid chrome--green. Aikuma.CO.LTD
I bought dry one.The alum--red, The ferrous sulfatethe--claret, The acetic acid chrome crimson--red. Aikuma.CO.LTD
·Dyestuff(Houttuynia cordata)
The alum--tawny gold, The ferrous sulfatethe--gray, The acetic acid chrome--green.
The alum--yellow, The ferrous sulfatethe--holly green, The acetic acid chrome crimson--indian red.
